78-Unit Condominium
This condominium building offers 78 homes within a rental assistance program. The administration offices for the non-profit society operating the facility are located within the building. A new road was exchanged for a closed road resulting in an enhanced project development potential.
This complex and layered land use approval process involved numerous stakeholders and provincial ministries and included the amalgamation of a portion of closed local road, the dedication of land for the extension of a collector road, and upgrades to the signalized intersection along the adjacent provincial highway.
This 78-unit, three-storey apartment building is placed on a single level concrete underground parkade with additional parking provided on surface.
This 3 storey wood-frame structure is of contemporary Okanagan styling incorporating a flat roof, generous balconies and large frame windows with solar shading. The exterior is finished with fiber cement siding, shingles, and paneling.
The opportunity to provide ground-oriented access to the main floor apartment units has been optimized and each of these homes will have internal corridor access as well as a patio and private access from the street.